An online database of primates with contributions from more than 300 scientists. The database includes entries for each species and subspecies of primate with over 3000 photographs and other materials.
SIRS (Social Issues Resources Series) Researcher includes thousands of full-text newspaper and magazine articles. Search your topic or pick one of their Leading Issues with pro/con information and viewpoint articles. Extras include a dictionary, thesaurus and maps.
WorldCat allows users to search for a work across all its participating libraries, including the SLCC libraries. WorldCat is useful for finding bibliographic information and determining which libraries hold a particular title in their collection.
The USGS Publications Warehouse includes references to U.S. Geological Survey reports and maps published from 1880 to date. The text of documents is not included; however, the database includes complete bibliographic references and index terms drawn from the GeoRef Thesaurus.
Salem Health: Cancer provides access to several of Salem’s medical reference works, including Magill’s Medical Guide, Cancer, Psychology and Mental Health, Genetics & Inherited Conditions, Infectious Diseases & Conditions, and Complimentary & Alternative Medicine.
Sage Journals Online provides full-text access to over 460 journals in Business, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Science, Technology and Medicine. To limit the search results to just the full-text articles, change the access type to "only content to which I have full access."
PubMed is the National Library of Medicine's search service to access the 9 million citations in MEDLINE, and Pre-MEDLINE (with links to participating on-line journals), and other related databases.
ProQuest US Newsstream contains coverage of over 150 U.S. and international newspapers, includes the Salt Lake Tribune. It also includes 90 days of full-text articles to the New York Times and Wall Street Journal.